Skin screening, 10 minutes that are worth it!
Skin cancer
Health services:
8 regular checkups for people with type 2 diabetes
Kinesio taping as pain therapy
Nutritional advice / weight loss
Eligibility Medical examinations
Medical advice regarding Travel,Vaccinations and Thrombosis prevention
PSA determination for the early detection of Prostate cancer in men
Autologous blood therapy / immunotherapy for infectious diseases, chronic diseases and pustules

The skin is our largest organ and protects the body from head to toe. Changes in the skin can be harmless, but they can also indicate various diseases:
Skin cancer is often underestimated and often recognized too late.
When it is recognized in time, the chances of curing skin cancer are very high. Your own observation task is the most important aid in the early detection of skin cancer.
Our practice therefore asks each of our patients aged 35 and over to have their skin screened every two years.
The skin cancer check is quick, painless and uncomplicated!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and my team, we will be happy to help you.
Schwandt clinic