Diabetes and blood vessels
Health services:
8 regular checkups for people with type 2 diabetes
Kinesio taping as pain therapy
Skin screening, 10 minutes that are worth it!
Nutritional advice / weight loss
Eligibility Medical examinations
Medical advice regarding Travel,Vaccinations and Thrombosis prevention
PSA determination for the early detection of Prostate cancer in men
Autologous blood therapy / immunotherapy for infectious diseases, chronic diseases and pustules

Vascular diseases play a central role among the complications of diabetes. In people with diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system are still the leading cause of hospitalization at 75 percent and the leading cause of death at 50 percent. "Circulatory disorders" are the result of narrowing or occlusion of the arteries.
You should value your health
So, what are you waiting for ?
Lets give you an appointment for an examination, which only takes about 15 minutes of your time.
Stress has two faces --- nerve cure / recovery cure
Nerve cure / build-up cure
Our practice offers the right support for every patient against stress.
Our practice offers the right support for every patient against stress.