Cupping Therapy
Health services:
8 regular checkups for people with type 2 diabetes
Kinesio taping as pain therapy
Skin screening, 10 minutes that are worth it!
Nutritional advice / weight loss
Eligibility Medical examinations
Medical advice regarding Travel,Vaccinations and Thrombosis prevention
PSA determination for the early detection of Prostate cancer in men
Autologous blood therapy / immunotherapy for infectious diseases, chronic diseases and pustules

Dear patients!
Have you ever dealt with the therapeutic possibilities of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), especially with cupping?
What is cupping for?
Cupping is an ancient Chinese healing process. Nowadays it is used for various diseases such as migraines, tonsillitis, rheumatoid , lung diseases, intervertebral disc problems, lumbago, jaundice, kidney weakness and high blood pressure. Cupping stimulates your organism to increase its self-healing powers.
How does cupping work?
There are different types of cupping. We put the cupping glasses or cups on your back in special places, in connection to the reflex zones. In this way, I create a negative pressure on your skin and can thus stimulate the function of specific organs and different body systems .
Cupping is not reimbursed by your health insurance company.