Eligibility Medical examinations
Dear patients! Do you need for work or leisure
Health services:
8 regular checkups for people with type 2 diabetes
Kinesio taping as pain therapy
Skin screening, 10 minutes that are worth it!
Nutritional advice / weight loss
Medical advice regarding Travel,Vaccinations and Thrombosis prevention
PSA determination for the early detection of Prostate cancer in men
Autologous blood therapy / immunotherapy for infectious diseases, chronic diseases and pustules

I carry out the following aptitude tests with my clinic team:
Competitive sport eligibility
Driving license eligibility
Recreational boating license
Certificate of fitness for recreational divers
Certificate for inability to travel
Certificate for vocational training
Simple medical certificate - confirmation
The examination takes approx. 25 minutes.
The medical examinations will not be reimbursed by your health insurance company.
Diving checkup
Including certificate for scuba diving (certificate in practice
Dear Patients, Are you a scuba diver over 40 years of age? Or are you interested in diving? Then I recommend an annual diving eligibility check! What is a diving fitness check for? Dive (...)
Dear patients!
Are you a scuba diver over 40 years of age? Or are you interested in diving? Then I recommend an annual diving suitability check!
What is a diving fitness check for?
Diving is a physically demanding sport that requires full physical fitness. During the diving eligibility check, I carry out extensive examinations that provide information about your fitness and health status and, in particular, your diving eligibility.
How does a diving fitness check work?
During the diving eligibility check, I will first carry out a thrill general physical examination. Your blood and urine will then be tested for specific risk parameters in the laboratory. I also test your lung function and determine your cardiovascular condition.
The examination takes about 35 minutes.
The diving fitness check will not be reimbursed by your health insurance company.